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6. HUGH REYNOLDS was born at 15 South Inglis Street Dunfermline on the 17th September 1910. He had black hair and blue eyes and was 5ft 8 inches tall. He was a barber when he left school , working in Arneils, a barbers shop in the Kirkgate. Dunfermline, then when war broke out he trained as an an electrician and worked at the Dockyard Rosyth where he stayed till his retirement. He married Kathleen Scott at St Johns Parish Church Inverkeithing in 1942 with the reception at the Co-op Dunfermline. They stayed first at  Dollytown Rosyth, Elizabeth Street Dunfermline, then Shaw Street and 37 Hoggan Crescent Dunfermline. When  14. Henry Scott became a widower he came to stay and when John Reynolds, Hugh's brother was demobbed after the war he joined them, meaning to stay a few weeks but stayed permanently.  After the death of Kathleen, the two brothers shared the domestic jobs with Hugh doing the shopping and cooking and John doing the housework and the garden. Hugh was a good violinist and  always ready for a laugh. He had a motor bike for many years that he used round the town. The shopping went in the box at the back saving him carrying heavy bags.   Although he had Bronchitis for most of his adult life Hugh died on 30th May 1978 of heart failure. Son-in-law Douglas Scott registered the death. 


7. CATHERINE KATHLEEN SCOTT  was born 29th March 1913 at  Leuchars Village in Fife. She was a twin. She had brown hair, brown eyes and was 5ft 2 inches tall.  She was a keen church goer and was a Sunday Schoolteacher.  She was a tailoress and worked in Miss Aitken, a ladies outfitter in the High Street Dunfermline before she married. After her marriage she continued sewing at home using a singer treadle sewing machine making  gents suits, bridal dresses, clothes as well as beautiful soft furnishings. She died in the early hours of 13th May 1962 of an asthma attack, just 2 weeks after Aileen's engagement to William Douglas Scott.  6.Hugh registered the death. 
Kathleen and Hugh are buried in the cemetery at Halbeath Road Dunfermline.

Aileen Melville Reynolds  B 22nd October 1943. died 30th March 2015. 
3. Elizabeth Scott Reynolds B. 22nd March 1954

A description of their wedding was recorded in the Dunfermline Press.  

                               Reynolds - Scott 

In St Johns Church of Scotland. Inverkeithing, on Wednesday afternoon the wedding took place of Miss Kathleen Scott, the younger daughter of Mr and Mrs Henry Scott 22 Queen Mary Terrace, Inverkeithing and Mr Hugh Reynolds, the son of the late Mr and Mrs Reynolds, 31 Inglis Street, Dunfermline.

The ceremony was conducted by the Rev. J. Johnston, B.D,. and suitable organ music was played by Miss Agnes V. McWhirter. 

Given away by her father, the bride was dressed in a charming gown of white satin with flowing net veil and headdress of orange blossom. 

She carried a bouquet of pink carnations tied with tulle, and was presented with a lucky horse shoe when leaving the church. Bridesmaid was Miss Susan McAlister, a friend who favoured a gown of pale blue silk trimmed tulle. Her headdress was of a floral design and her flowers were bronze chrysanthemums. She wore a string od pearls, gifted by the couple. 

The duties of best man were performed by Mr Alexander Anderson, a friend of the groom. 

About 50 guests attended the reception held at the Co-operative Tearooms, Dunfermline, where they were greeted by the brides mother and the grooms aunt, Mrs Watson.

For travelling, the bride wore a navy coat with marocain dress and accessories to tone. 


As a wedding gift from fellow employees at W, A. Aitkin, High Street Dunfermline. the bride received a canteen of cutlery and, as a personal gift from Miss Aitkin, a chromium glass clock. 

 Hugh and Kathleen and the family taken on the Christening day of Elizabeth Reynolds in the back garden of Shaw Street Dunfermline.  

kathleen scott
Hugh Reynolds 1910


Hugh and Kathleen reynolds.jpg

The Wedding Party.

 The two photographs were taken at 37 Hoggan Crescent Dunfermline at a family get together for the Christening of Debbie Scott, daughter of Aileen Reynolds in 1968. 

1. from the right: Aileen Reynolds,

Bessie Gilmour nee Scott aunt of Aileen, Elizabeth Reynolds, Jean Scott, mother in law of Aileen, Lizzie Gilmour, Bessie's sister in law and Margaret White, sister in law of Aileen. 

 2. from the right :  Hugh Reynolds, Ian White, brother in law of Aileen Reynolds,  William Scott, father in law of Aileen Reynolds, Robert Gilmour, brother in law of Hugh and John Reynolds brother of Hugh. 

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 Hugh and Kathleen with daughter Aileen  and 

 the gravestone at Dunfermline Cemetery Halbeath Road Dunfermline for Kathleen and Hugh.

Hugh Reynolds 1870
jane dunn


12.  HUGH REYNOLDS was born 15TH October 1870 at Fourteenth Street Bowhill.  At the age of 11 on the 1881 census he is recorded as a part time flax mill worker.  When older he worked at a pit as a hewer at the coal face.  He married Jeanie Dunn at St Patrick’s R C Church Lochgelly on 26th December 1904.They stayed at Campbell Street Dunfermline. They moved to 15 Inglis Street Dunfermline. Jeanie's parents stayed in the flat up stairs.  He died aged 44,  on  26th April  1915 of hemorrhage of a duodenal ulcer at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary. His sister Sarah registered the death. 

13. JANE JEANIE DUNN was born 13th March 1873 at the New Row (corner of Park Avenue) Dunfermline. She was a cotton weaver.  She had a hard life after the death of Hugh bringing up her 4 young children. She worked in one of the local weaving factories to make ends meet.  The Valuation Rolls of 1930  show her living at 31 Inglis Street Dunfermline, paying £10.11s.10d per annum in rent to Cath & Eliza  Thomson 37 Lady Campbells Walk Dunfermline. She died aged 63, on  7th February 1936 of Broncho Pneumonia at the fever hospital Dunfermline. Son John registered the death

Michael Reynolds 1906 – 1908  

John Reynolds 24th March 1907

 Mary Reynolds 1909 - 1985
6. Hugh Reynolds 1910 - 1978
James Reynolds 1912 -1913
Lizzie Reynolds 1915             

James Reynolds  died aged 7 months of acute bronchitis and heart failure. He was staying at 15 Inglis Street Dunfermline, with his grandparents  at the time. 

 Michael Reynolds died of tubercular meningitis aged 2. 

John started work at the age of 10 delivering packages for Watt the printer in Douglas Street Dunfermline and was paid with cigarettes. He was apprenticed as a painter and sign writer with the local  Co-op Society. He enlisted in the Royal Marines during the war and saw action in North Africa and Italy.  Never marrying he stayed with brother Hugh and Kathleen,  playing  a big part in the lives of his 2 nieces, Aileen and Elizabeth, taking them on day trips, holidays and the cinema when they were young. After the death of 6. Hugh he stayed with Aileen and Doug Scott. He became ill while the family were staying at Brampton Northumberland  and he died in May 1994 at  Carlyle General Hospital of cancer of the gullet. 

Mary married Norman Sedgwick in 1941 and had 5 children, Jane 1941, Anne 1943, Norma 1945, John 1946 and Kenneth 1954. The family stayed at Beveridge Street Dunfermline.  

A young John Reynolds and again aged 71.

Jeanie Dunn in a studio photograph with friends. She is second left with the oars. 

Hugh Reynolds in another studio photograph He is on the left. Both were probably taken before they married. 

 National Library of Scotlands map of part of Dunfermline in 1895. Most of the area was cleared in the 1980's to make way for a new shopping  centre , bus station and road widening and is unrecognisable today.                                                                

elizabeth mckena


24. MICHAEL REYNOLDS was born in Kiltubrid, Leitrim Ireland in 1841. He came to Scotland before the 1851 census. He was a coal miner.  When his father and brothers moved over to Cambusnethan West Lothian he remained in Fife.  He married Elizabeth McKenna at  Beath RC Church on 9th July 1866. They moved from East Weymss, Methil to Lumphinans, both mining areas.  Michael died young, aged 34 on the 26th June 1875 of apoplexy there. Elizabeth registered the death. with a cross.

25. ELIZABETH McKENNA was born at  Doune in the parish of Kilmadock Perthshire on 17th May 1840 and baptised 10th June at St Mary’s Roman Catholic Church Stirling. At the age of 21 she was a steam loom weaver and was staying at Shore Row , Carnock with her sister Sarah .  When husband Michael died she moved to Leslie with the children to stay with her sister and nephew. Sometime after the 1881 census the family had moved to  20 Gardener Street Dunfermline She died there of rheumatism valvilar disease of the heart, aged 51 in 1891. She was buried in the cemetery Dunfermline in a paupers grave.    Son 12. Hugh registered the death. 

Sarah Reynolds b.  1869 – 1933 
Catherine Reynolds  b.1867  at Wemyss
Annie Reynolds b.1873-1897          
12.  Hugh Reynolds b. 1870-1915
Michael Reynolds b.1875

Sarah married John Smith, a coal miner at the RC Chapel Dunfermline on 26th November 1902. 1911 they are recorded staying at Old Smiddy Auchterdern on the 1911 census. and When she died on the 6th October 1933 of thoracic aneurysm she was staying at 189 Waverly Cottages Lochore.  Sarah kept in touch with the family after the death of her brother Hugh. Her nephews John and Hugh remember going to stay  with auntie for their school summer holidays on the tram that ran from Dunfermline to Lochore. Sarah and John had no children of their own. 

Annie was staying at 12 Carnegie Street Dunfermline and employed as a Winder at a Damask Factory when she married Thomas Hefferman a coal miner on 29th December 1894 at the RC Church Dunfermline. . They  stayed at Pilmuir Street Dunfermline after the marriage. She died aged 25 of tubercular enteritis in 1897. She left a daughter Catherine.



This next part about  the family of Catherine Reynolds is written by her x2 great granddaughter, Jacquie Pierce who lives in Dublin.

                   Remember me in the Family Tree
               My name  my days my strife
               Then Ill ride upon the wings of
                And live an endless life
                                                      Linda Geatsh
I am Jacquie Pierce/Fitzpatrick and I am a great great  grandchild of
Michael Reynolds and Elizabeth McKenna. Here is the story of their descendants.

My great grandparents  Catherine Reynolds and Thomas Fitzpatrick

     Catherine Reynolds was born  in 1867  East Wemyss Fife. She was the daughter of Michael Reynolds and Elizabeth McKenna who were both of Irish descent. She was 8 years old when her father, a miner,

died aged 35 years of apoplexy (cerebral haemorrhage). Catherine and her four younger siblings were then reared by their mother with the assistance of Elizabeths family.


In 1871 census the family were living at Lumphinnans Row, Ballingry.

In 1881 census Catherine was 14 years old and a flax mill worker.


Catherine married Thomas Fitzpatrick (1864-1938) a miner, at St. Patricks Church Lochgelly Fife on  the 30/9/1889.

Thomas was also of Irish descent. His parents were John Fitzpatrick and Dorothy Wright from Monaghan.


In 1891 census Catherine and Thomas were at Broad St., Beath with their son John born 1891

In 1901 census they were at North St., Wemyss  with sons Michael, Hugh, George and Peter.


Catherine died at Windygates, Fife of cardiac syncope (due to heart problems) she was 43 years old. Catherine had at least 14 children, three of whom reached adulthood and one who reached old age.


In 1911 census Thomas and children Michael 19, Hugh 15, Joseph 8 Anthony 5 and Dora 3 were living in Ballingry  Fife  with his 2nd wife Jemima Flemming (1865-1925) who Thomas married in Kirkcaldy in 1910.


Thomas came from a very large family also many of whom emigrated to the U.S. and Canada.

Thomas went on to marry a third time in  1926  to Suzi  Charliton (b.1868). They both lived out their days in county Tyrone. Thomas died in 1938 aged 74.


The children of Catherine and Thomas who reached maturity


Hugh Fitzpatrick -1896-1976 married Isabella McCormick -1 child

Joseph Fitzpatrick 1903-1943 married Isabella Miller Blackwell Condie- they had a large family

Dora Fitzpatrick 1908-1928 married Edward Flood -1 child

Michael Fitzpatrick 1892-1936 married Christina Finlay Wallace- 3 children


My Grandfather Michael Fitzpatrick

        My grandfather Michael Fitzpatrick was born on 26/4/1892 at Cowdenbeath to Thomas Fitzpatrick and Catherine Fitzpatrick Reynolds.  He was baptized on the 22/5/1892 at St. Patricks Lochgelly Fife.


1901 Census Michael was 9 years old and a scholar by

1911 census he was 19 years old and working in the mines with his brother Hugh aged 15.


Michael met my Gran Christina Finlay Wallace, possibly through  the Church  as she told me she was converting to Catholisism  before she met Michael. They married at Bowhill on 11/6/1923.

Their first child Thomas, my Dad was born 9 months later on 13/3/1924 at Bowhouse of Dothan, Auchterderran.  They had two more children, Mary Jane (Jean) Fitzpatrick 1926 and John Owen Fitzpatrick 1930.


The family moved to 160 Parkside St Rosyth.  Michael was a much loved husband and father. In his youth he was a cross country runner. Michael gave my Gran Christina the most beautiful set of Rosary beads, made from stone from the shrine at Lourdes. These Rosary beads are now a treasured possession of mine.

Michael left the coalmines with persuasion from Gran possibly due to ill health. He took up a job selling Singer sewing machines door to door.

Michael died of angina pectoris (heart disease) on 14/12/1936 at his home, aged 44 years.

Gran reared her three children alone. She was a widow for 53 years and never forgot Michael.

My Grandmother Christina Finlay Wallace


  My Grandmother Christina Finlay Wallace was born on 11/2/1899 at Bowhouse of Dothan Auchterderran to Jane Wallace. She was reared by her Grandmother Janet Wallace in Coalden Auchterderran.


    She became an apprentice tailoress at a young age. This stood to her over her lifetime as a source of income especially when she was widowed.  She made some beautiful garments for herself and her children and me. She made my first communion dress of white satin and broderie anglaise, my red Christmas coat with white fur trim and hat and one for my sister, a mini skirt with matching waistcoat, a long hippy dress and a cloth shoulder bag. She made them all on her trusty old Singer sewing machine in Rosyth and brought the garments to us in Dublin for their final fitting and hand adjustments.


    Gran travelled to Dublin many many times from Glasgow on a ship called the Scottish Coast. She was great friends with the purser who looked after all her baggage. Later she took flights from Edinburgh to Dublin and arrived with fresh cream cakes from a Rosyth bakery.


     I still have grans wonderful well written letters to me. I spent my summers in Rosyth as a child and just loved being in her company. She was a lovely lady. She would do anything for anyone.  She was charitable and compassionate. She filled her life wither children and grandchildren and great grandchildren. We all have great memories of her and she lives in our hearts forever. She died in August 1989 (one month before my sister Patricia died) at Vally Park nursing home in Dunfermline.

Their daughter Mary Jane Fitzpatrick (aunt Jean)


My aunt Jean was born on 15/8/1926 at Auchterderran Fife.  She attended the local school 

St. Johns Rosyth. She and her brother Jack were evacuated for a time during WW2  as the family lived in proximity  to the dockyard which was a naval base.


Before marriage Jean worked at the post office near the dockyard and also NCRE

Jean too was very glamourous. She also loved entertaining and was a fine host and cook. It is said she could whip up wonderful dishes from wartime dried eggs. She was also an entrepreneur and among her ventures were Tupperware parties and running a  shop in Inverkeithing.

She married Frank Harding on the 30/10/1959 and my Dad Tommy gave her away. It was an early morning service at St. John and St Columbas  in Rosyth without music or choir as the RC church  did not approve of inter religion marriages at this time.

Franks job as chief petty officer on a Navy torpedo submarine took the family to Plymouth where their son was born in 1962 and Sydney Australia where their daughter Vharie was born in 1964.


They settled in Dalgety Bay in the 1970s and reared their family there.


Jean died peacefully at a Dunfermline  hospital on 14/10/2016 aged 90.

She was a beautiful singer and a hymn she wrote was sung by herself on cd at her funeral.  


 Jeans husband Frank Harding 


 Frank and his twin sister were  born on 24/9/1928 at The Cottage Chryston  Lanarkshire.  Their mother Frances Julia Service died soon after the birth. Frank was reared by his family.


He joined the Navy and worked on torpedo submarines. He was stationed in Plymouth and also Australia. His sub paid a visit to Dublin in the early 1960s and he visited our family in Finglas in full uniform.

 Frank built a wonderful home for his family in Dalgety  Bay. He had an extremely large garden stretching to the shore of the Forth. He tended his garden well and grew vegetables and fruit and the lawn was impeccable

After completing his navy service Frank worked at various jobs  including driving instructor.

He died  on 12/1/2010 and is buried at Hillend cemetery.

Jean and Frank Harding had two children a son Pete born in 1962 who lives in Dalgety Bay and a  daughter Vhaire  Geraldine Harding.


My cousin Vhaire  Harding


 Vhaire was born on 18/7/1964 in Manley NSW Australia. Her parents were living there as Frank was based with the navy  in Sydney.

 The family returned to live in England and later Frank built a house for his family in Dalgety Bay Fife.


  Vhaire had a great affection for animals, especially horses and dogs.  She worked for Hyland Electronics and then HSBC bank.

Vhaire loved life but she was given a cruel blow when she was struck by MS. She struggled  for years to be as active  and independent as she was.  Then came a 2nd cruel blow of breast cancer and the treatments that followed. She still loved taking her dogs for their walk  while she drove her electric mobility scooter. With great determination she got herself , the dogs and her scooter together to go out. She was well known around Dalgety Bay and enjoyed chatting with the locals.

Vharie  loved her music and going to live gigs.  She would be up by the stage giving it her all. One of her favourites was Pink.

Vhar got the all clear in April 2019 but by July  the cancer had returned with a vengeance.  She died peacefully in hospital in  the early hours of 5/7/2019 with her loving brother by her side.  She was buried at Hillend Cemetery on her 55th birthday 18/7/2019.

Vharie  was loved by all who knew her

and she has left memories of her friendship, strength and determination on many hearts.  She had beautiful sparkling mischievous blue eyes and natural blond hair. Her gorgeous smile always shone through even on her hardest days. A beautiful soul at rest now.

Their son  John Owen Fitzpatrick  (Jack)


Uncle Jack was born on 2/1/1930 in Dunfermline.  He was six years  old when his father died. He did well in school and went on to work as a store man. His work brought him to exotic places such as Ascension Island  in the Atlantic Ocean,  Sierra Leone, Mauritius and Singapore. Part of his job involved going out on drilling ships to the oil rigs.


  I loved receiving his letters with prized postage stamps for my collection. He spent long periods abroad and had many stories of his adventures and he brought us lots of unusual gifts. 

He was a very generous man and encouraging in our education.

He looked after his Mum Christina very well and especially in

her later years. He died in a Dunfermline  hospital of a brain tumor on  7/12/2006 aged 76.


I have Uncle Jack to thank for my interest in the Reynolds/Fitzpatrick family. He commissioned a family tree in 1975.  I still have a handwritten copy of it.


Catherine Reynolds.jpg
Michael Fitzpatrick.jpg
Christina Finlay Wallace Fitzpatrick you
christina michael and granny wallace.jpg

A group photo of the couple and Christina's granny Janet Wallace. 

Catherine Reynolds

tommy Jack and Jean Fitzpatrick.jpg
peggie tommy jean Jack rosyth.jpg

Jean and Jack Fitzpatrick with 

Tommy and Peggy Fitzpatrick

Studio portraits of Michael Fitzpatrick and Christina Findlay Wallace


Christina and Michael's 3 Children

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Frank Harding

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Mary Jane Fitzpatrick


jean and tommy fitzpatrick her wedding.j
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Vhaire Harding 2.jpg

A school photo ofJean's daughter Vhaire Harding  and crossing the River Forth on  the new Queensferry Crossing at Queensferry.  

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Jean on her wedding day with brother Tommy Fitzpatrick 

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Frank Harding  with Peggy and nieces Jacquie and Patricia

Michael and Christina's youngest son John Owen Fitzpatrick  (Jack) 

My Dad Thomas Michael Fitzpatrick

My Dad Thomas Michael Fitzpatrick (Tommy and Jock)  was born on 13/3/1924 at Rose Cottage Auchterderran  to Michael and Christina Fitzpatrick.

The family moved to 160,Parkside St Rosyth. Tommy attended  the local RC school St. Johns. He was confirmed at St John and St Columbus Church on 23/4/1933 aged 9 years. His school teacher was an Irish woman called Miss Egan from Galway. Years later Gran and I would meet up with Miss Egan  at Morans Hotel  Dublin while she was on her way to Galway  to holiday.


Dad left school shortly after his father died in1936 to work at the Inverkeithing paper mill.  He then trained as a coppersmith at Rosyth dockyard during WW2 and supported his family.  He played football in  a local team with his best friend Robert Duffy who sadly was a casualty of the war.


Dad always had a gra (love) for Ireland due to his heritage, education and a holiday in the North of Ireland when he was a child.

In 1947 at the age of 23 he arrived in Dublin on the overnight boat from Glasgow.  He had a job lined up in the Liffey dockyard and digs in Connought St Phibsbourgh.

After 100 years a g g grandson of Hugh Reynolds had returned to Ireland to stay.


Dad met Mum at the Four Provinces Ballroom in Harcourt St. He was welcomed into Mums family and given the nickname the Wee Boy by my grandfather Macker.

They were married on 3/10/1950  in St. Kevins Church Harrington St. The reception was held at her parents home  at 21, Sth Richmond St. Portobello.

Dad had a great work ethic and would follow the well paid jobs. We were all back for a time to Rosyth in1958/59 while Dad worked again in the dockyard. He also found work in Liverpool, Barrow in Furness and Bantry. He worked at Bolands bakery in Dublin during one of the many recessions during his life.


When he was 60 years old he took a job with the local Health Board as a substitute porter and he would go anywhere in the city and county he was sent by bus or on foot. He continued to work way past retirement age of 66 even after a triple by pass when he was 64.


Dad was very affable. He loved to sing When they begin the Beguine in his gravelly voice.  He was a fine dancer and loved a laugh and a joke. He too was a beautiful writer and kept InTouch with Scotland.

Sadly he got diabetes and had  a leg amputated . He was ready to come home after many months from hospital when he died of MRSA on 26/3/1999.

He is still missed terribly.

My Mum Margaret (Peggy) Patricia McDonnell Fitzpatrick


Mum was born on 1/3/1922, daughter to

Charlotte Thornton and Timothy McDonnell, at Iveagh Buildings, Dublin City.  .

She was the 2nd last child of a loving family of eight children. Two of her older sisters has died in 1914 and 1915 when they were toddlers.


Mum attended Clarendon Street Holy Faith School. She began work when she was 14 years old at the Nivea cream factory and worked there until she married .


     When Dad returned to work in Rosyth Dockyard in 1958 the family lived with Gran at Parkside St.  Peggy spent the last ten weeks of her pregnancy in the Maternity Unit in Dunfermline hospital until my sister Patricia was born on 8/1/1959. I had spent a number of weeks in hospital there also due to pneumonia.  We all returned to Dublin in 1959, having been offered a home in Dollytown Rosyth, for a future in Dublin.


         We went to live at 26 Ratoath Avenue Finglas, three miles north of the city centre.

My parents spent the rest of their lives there.


          Mum loved her style and was very tall and glamourous.  She was a great Mum and with her encouragement, sacrifice, care and attention we all did well in education and employment.


        Mum had major colon cancer surgery at the age of 83 and made a miraculous recovery.  Unfortunately  the cancer returned in 2009 and she died of  it and MRSA on 29/9/2009 (one day prior to Patricias  20th anniversary) Mum is greatly missed by all the family.


   The descendants of Tommy and Peggy


Daughter Jacqueline 1955

Daughter Patricia     1959/1989

Son Paul   1961


3 grand daughters Pierce 1975,1979,1981

1 grand daughter Fitzpatrick  1995

2 grandsons  Fitzpatrick  1993, 2000,

Great grandchildren

3 g granddaughters  Darcy

1 g granddaughter    OToole

1 g grandson             OToole 

2 g grandsons            Dunne

My sister Patricia Margaret Fitzpatrick


My sister Patricia was born on 8/1/1959 in Dunfermline.  It was the day prior to my 4th birthday so thereafter we shared our birthday celebrations.


Our family returned  later that year to live in Dublin. Patricia attended the local primary school St. Brigids  Finglas and later St. Michaels secondary school.  She was an excellent and very conscientious student. She went on to study at Kevin St. college Dublin where she qualified as a Physiological Measurement  Technician. She went on to work at various Dublin hospitals including Sir Patrick Dunns, St. Marys and St. James. She enjoyed her work immensely.

 Patricia, like Mum was tall and glamourous.

Patricia was a wonderful daughter to her parents Tommy and Peggy and very generous with her time and love. Patricia was a very loving  auntie to her nieces and came on holidays with us. Patricia was also a loving, helpful and generous sister to my brother and I.


Her life ended instantly on the afternoon of the 30/9/1989. She was hit by a car while crossing a country road  on her way to riding lessons with her work mates.

Our world fell apart that day and life was never the same again.


How she would have loved her grand nieces and nephews. They have all been given memories of Patricia by their parents.

Patricia is forever in our thoughts and hearts.


patricia and peggie Fitzpatrick.jpg
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Thomas Michael Fitzpatrick (Tommy or Jock) and a Family group at Finglas. 

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Peggie and familycoaltown of Balgonie au

Tommy front row far left. 

Peggy and Tommy  on their wedding day 3/10/1950

Peggy and Tommy  on their 40th Wedding Anniversary

Peggy and the girls at Aunt Nettie' home Coaltown of Balgonie 

Patricia Margaret Fitzpatrick and mum Peggy 

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Sisters Jacquie and Patricia wearing dresses bought abroad by Uncle Jack 

Jacquie Pierce.jpg

Jacquie wearing Her Holy Communion Dress made by Gran

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Patricia and brother Paul at the Cheese Cutter Rosyth park

We are now joining the main tree again 

John Reynolds, aged 21, son of Thomas who  emigrated to Australia  







John, aged 55,  with his wife Doris and children Emily and Alice.


48. HUGH REYNOLDS was born at Kiltubrid,Leitrim, Northern Ireland in 1819. He married Catherine Cafferty. There is no record of when the family emigrated to Scotland.The Great Irish Famine of  1845 to 1849 saw a period a of mass starvation, disease, and emigration  and its likely  Catherine died after Patrick's birth in Ireland as there is no record of her in Scotland. In 1851 Hugh and his sons were staying at Red Inns Inverkeithing Fife with his mother Ann Byrn. Also, recorded as visitors, are Ann and Bridget Byrn, likely to be granddaughters of Ann . They moved to Crossgates, then to Back Row Weymss. He married Bridget Coyle, aged 47 at the time, daughter of Owen Coyle on 13th January 1859 at Viewfield House Dunfermline after banns being read at the Roman Cathlic Church Dunfermline. That year they were renting accomodation in East Loan Inverkeithing from Mr Reuben Reid of Culross for £1.10s.  By 1881 they had moved to Cambusnethan Lanark, staying at 162 Main Street. Bridget died on 12th April 1887 at Wishaw Cambuslethan at the aged 60 of old age. Hugh's occupations were recorded as Labourer, Coal miner, Coal pit labourer, Engine Boiler Fireman and Lodging house Keeper but he died a pauper on the 6th August 1895 at Camusnethan of a senile heart, bronchitis and anasarea. His son Patrick registered the death. 

49. CATHERINE CAFFERTY died before 1851. Nothing is known about her.



John Reynolds b. c1844
Thomas Reynolds b. 1840 - 1923

 8. Michael Reynolds b.1841-1875

 Peter Reynolds b. 1845                       
Patrick Reynolds b. 1846            

All Children born at Kiltubrid, Leitrim Ireland

Patrick, a coal miner, married Catherine Maloy on 30th December 1875 at Wishaw Roman Catholic Church and they stayed at Chapel Square Cambusnethan. Both Catherine and Patrick were literate and signed the certificate. They moved to Woodhall Cambusnethan where  twin daughters were born prematurely.  Mary and Catherine, born premature on 6th August 1876 but Catherine died 9 days later.  In the 1881 census they were staying at 310 2nd Flat. Camnethan Street Cambusnethan, Patrick is recorded as a coal miner aged 25. His wife Catherine from Donegal Ireland is recorded aged 20, 3 children, Mary aged 5, Patrick aged 3 and Hugh aged 1. Boarding with them are Unity McFadyne aged 22, a domestic Servant and John Canivan 2 months old, described as illegitimate son.  Whether thats Patrick's son or Unity's is not clear.   Son Hugh  died aged 3 of Tabes Mesenterica, the old name for a form of tuberculous  on the 26th April 1883 at Quarry Row Cambusnethan. The 1891 census records Patrick, a miner, at  143 Kirk Road Cambusnethan with wife Cath aged 42, Mary aged 14, Patrick aged 12, Cath aged 9, Annie aged, 6 John aged 3 and James aged 1. He died 9th September 1914 at Chapel Square Cambusnethan of Cerebral Haemorrhage. Patrick registered the death. Patrick's son  also  a coal miner, married Jane McLean a domestic servant on 17th October 1902 at St Bridgets Chapel Cambusnethan. They moved to Fife and had at least 1 child, Catherine, born 23rd May 1911 at Backrow Halbeath Dunfermline.  

John  married Mary Ann Mullen on 28/11/1856 at St Adolphonus Lanark. The wedding was witnessed by George Mullen and Mary McCafferty, possibly a relation of Johns mother. They  had at least 11 children, Mary b. 1859, Thomas b. 16/5/1860, John b. 1865, Lizzie b. 1868, Jane b. 1870, Patrick b. 1872, George b. 1874, Joseph b. 1876, and Jason b. 1878 all born at Shotts Lanark.  Son Thomas was staying with grandfather Hugh Reynolds during the 1871 census when  he is recorded as an idiot. He is back staying with his parents during the 1881 census and recorded as a coal miner like his father.  I can find no other information on them. 

Peter is recorded on the 1851 census returns but I'm unable to find him recorded anywhere else. 

This next part about son Thomas was written by his x2 great granddaughter, Patricia Hallinan who stays in the suburbs of Sidney Australia.

Thomas married Catherine Cannon on 21 April 1869 in Leith, Midlothian. They had 3 children while in Scotland, 
James Reynolds 1872 - 1934, who was not married and lived on the edge of the Birchgrove Oval, so was virtually living as a homeless person, and that he was like a recluse.
Hugh Reynolds 1870 - 1934, who married Phoebe Anne Taylor. They did not have any children.  
John Reynolds 1874 - 1936. 
Thomas came to Australia by himself, working as Crew on a ship called "The Fitzroy" arriving on 4 July 1884. Catherine and the 3 boys came out the following year 1885 on the ship "The Chimborazo", amazingly on 5th July 1885. 
John Reynolds was my grandfather. He married Doris Emily Geise 1876 - 1958 and was a Blacksmith. They had 5 children. Doris Marguerite Louise Reynolds 1901 - 1991, Thomas Hugh Reynolds 1905 - 1971, Emily Catherine Reynolds 1910 - 1993, Alice Mabel Reynolds (my mother) 1915 - 2000 and John Francis Reynolds 1919 - 2009.

Doris married Jack (Arthur John) Munce 1903 - 1969 and were married in 1934. They had 2 children, still living and 7 grandchildren and (I think) about 12 great grandchildren.

Tom married Violet Margaret Shipman 1901 - 1995 and were married in 1938. They had 3 children, still living and have 1 grandchild and 2 great grandchildren.

Emily married Ron (Stuart Ronald) Scott 1917 - 1993 and were married in 1949. They had 2 children, still living and have 6 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren.

Alice married Jim (James Stanislaus) Hallinan 1920 - 2005 and were also married in 1949. They had 4 children, still living and have 8 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren.

John married Beryl Campbell, they had one child and then divorced. He then married Moira Maloney who died in 2008.

So as you can see, there are now lots of Reynolds descendants living in Australia, mostly in suburbs around Sydney, though Tom Reynolds children and descendants now live in the Hunter Valley, a beautiful place about 2 hours drive from Sydney, and Doris Reynolds son lives about 4 hours drive south of Sydney. We usually meet up once a year to see each other together, and we visit each other individually as well.



96. MICHAEL REYNOLDS was born around 1790 at Kiltubrid,Leitrim Northern Ireland. He married Ann O'Bryne before 1867. He had a son  48. HUGH REYNOLDS. Michael   is likely to have died in Ireland before 1851 when the rest of the family moved to Scotland. 

97. ANN O’ BYRNE  was born in 1803 at Leitrim , Northern Ireland  She moved to Fife with her son Hugh and family. She is also recorded as Agnes Birron but  Ann Byrn on her death certificate. She died on 9th June 1873 at Methilhill Wemyss of old age and general failing. Her age is most likely to be at least 10 years older than the certificates show. Her son Hugh signed his name and registered the death. The 1861 census she is recorded as being 61, by 1871 she is 90. I have recorded her age as stated on the death certificate but it would mean she had son Hugh when she was 11. 

ann obyrne

. Kiltubrid

 Kiltubrid, Leitrim Nothern Ireland

An old ruined house in rural Kiltubrid, Leitrim

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